Mary Henkels, Coordinator
View the Resurrection Parish Adoration Chapel page here!
Second to the importance of the Eucharist in the chapel, the most important people associated with Lamb of God Chapel are the adorers themselves. The Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Committee serves Our Lord in the Eucharist, and we serve our fellow adorers. There are many ways to participate as an adorer in Lamb of God Chapel.
Visitors are those that come to adore whenever they can. Visitors are welcome in the chapel from 6:00AM to 10:00PM Monday through Friday, 6:00AM to 4:00PM on Saturday, and 1:00PM to 10:00PM on Sunday.
Weekly Committed Adorers have an appointment with Jesus once or more per week. These regular adorers can commit to adore any time they choose, 24/6. Once they have committed to a weekly holy hour, they are assigned an adorer number, and use the touchscreen to sign in at the beginning of their holy hour(s) every week. They check the touchscreen before they leave to be sure the next committed adorer has signed in. These are the “Guardians of the Eucharist.” Their commitments to adore keep the chapel doors open for all to enjoy. The registration page on the web site accommodates weekly commitments, and paper forms are also available outside the chapel.
Smaller or temporary commitments are available for those who wish to adore less frequently, yet still want to make a commitment to spend time with Our Lord regularly. Some adorers come at the same day/time every month or twice a month. The adoration computer system can accommodate temporary commitments as well. An adorer can sign up just for Lent, Advent, the Easter season, and several students sign up just for the summer. To make a temporary commitment, please use the sign-up sheets located outside the chapel, and write “Lent Only, Advent Only”, etc. across the top.
Substitutes are a critical part of the success of the chapel. We have over 100 substitutes. A list of substitutes organized by the days and times available are sent out to all the adorers in the computer system every month. You can sign up to substitute online or using the paper sign-up forms.
Group members are those that belong to an adoration group. Group members share and rotate through a weekly holy hour. Each group member must be registered in the computer system. A group leader chosen by the group submits the monthly schedule to the group coordinator, and that schedule is automatically e-mailed out to the group members at the beginning of each month. Forming a group is an ideal way to try adoration, and is highly recommended for different ministries
The Children’s Hour is set aside for small children and their parents every Tuesday at 10:00AM. Two certified preschool teachers are available in the parish nursery located in the Family Life Center. Parents can drop off their children, and have some quiet time in adoration. Then, the children are brought into the chapel for the last part of the hour to join their parents in adoration. Perfect silence is not expected during the Children’s Hour as we bring the little children into the company of Our Lord.
Daily Devotions in the chapel are the Rosary every day at noon, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day at 3:00PM.
A Vianney Cenacle takes place every Saturday at noon. This is an hour of adoration for the sanctification of priests. It consists of a Rosary for Priests, Litany, and other prayers from the Vianney Cenacle booklet. It is led by the laity on behalf of our priests. All are welcome.
Mary Henkels, Coordinator
View the Resurrection Parish Adoration Chapel page here!
The Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Committee consists of 14 Division Leaders, and 6 members of the Chapel Care Crew.
Division Leaders are responsible for 8-hour segments in the chapel schedule. They are the personal contacts for the adorers assigned to their time slots. It is their responsibility to be sure their hours are covered every week. The Division Leaders meet periodically to discuss anything that affects the scheduling of adorers in the chapel, and the day to day functioning of the chapel.
The Chapel Care Crew takes turns cleaning the chapel each week, and they are responsible for keeping the chapel beautiful. They clean and change the altar linen, replace the candles, and fill the holy water font. They also meet periodically to dis-cuss anything related to the physical presentation of the chapel.
All the members of the adoration committee meet periodically to discuss issues related to the chapel, and to plan our anniversary celebration and our sign-up Sundays on the Solemnities of Corpus Christi and Christ the King. We also meet monthly to pray a Rosary for all the intentions of the adorers in the chapel, and many other prayer intentions that come to our attention during that month. Every member of the committee is also a regular weekly adorer in the chapel.